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That's Amore

That's Amore - Erin McCarthy Paige Lombardi really wants nothing to do with Jeff Benedetto. After all, the last time they were alone he slept with her (she was a virgin BTW) and disappeared the following morning. But when Jeff's sister - her best friend - leaves her toddler son with Paige, Paige knows she needs help. Unfortunately the only one available is Jeff.

Jeff pulled the vanishing act because he got spooked. He started to fall for Paige and he wasn't ready. But now, fate (with some help from mafia) threw them back together.

It was a great story with a lot of humor and even a few scenes where I had trouble stopping the hysterical laughter. As a matter of fact it reminded of the early Stephanie Plum books (Janet Evanovich). There are the meddling Italian families, the suspense part that is more funny than serious, and a lot of laughter. :-)


4.5 stars