I apologize in advance for the large number of pictures featuring cupcakes - I simply couldn't resist. And be prepared for the urge to hunt down and eat a massive number of them. :DWhen Leilani Trusdale left New York and her rising career as a pastry chef to open a cupcake shop in a small town of Sugarberry, most people didn't understand her decision. But she knew something had to give. It's not that she was unhappy with her life, more like she wasn't happy with it. All the backstabbing in the restaurant she worked at, the innuendos about her sleeping her way to her current position, the hustle and bustle of a big city - it's simply not for her.
Now, when a couple of months passed, she's never been more sure of her decision. The peace of living in a small town, the community of people who care for each other, living close to her beloved father - it's an idyllic life - and then Baxter Dunne shows up.
Baxter's always had a thing for Lani. But since he's been her boss, a relationship wasn't the best idea. But now, he has a chance to win her. So he decides to film the next season of his show
Hot Cake Chef (or something like that) in her tiny shop.
Of course, he did expect a warmer welcome, but he's sure that his charm would work its magic and convince Lani to move back to NY with him. Things don't exactly go his way.
I like both Lani and Baxter (a hot chef with an English accent - what's not to like :D ). I truly believe that their emotions are real, they love each other plain and simple.
What's not that great is the main conflict - she likes small town life, he the fast life in a big city. They lurve each other and want to be together, and yet... That's understandable, but I didn't like the way their entire time together was bittersweet, they both knew they'll have to live apart forever. Something about that just rubbed me wrong.
I also liked the citizens of Sugarberry, Lani's friends, almost all of the characters as a matter of fact. But Baxter is definitely my favorite - an orphaned boy who was living on the streets made his dream come true. *sigh*
3.5 starsThis is the last one, I swear :D