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Night Shift

Night Shift - Milla Vane,  Ilona Andrews, Lisa Shearin, Nalini Singh

Rating: 3.5 stars

Secrets of Midnight by Nalini Singh - 3 stars

It's a cute story and I enjoyed it, but I just didn't love it. Bastien is great, and his family (as always) amazing, but I couldn't get Kirby at all. And their relationship lacks the spark that can usually be found in Ms. Singh's other couples.

Magic Steals by Ilona Andrews - 5 stars

I love this story to pieces! Both Jim and Dali are awesome, but together they rock! I also enjoyed Dali's family, the mythology involved in the story, but mostly Jim and Dali and their dialogue, they way they treat each other, basically everything about them being together. And, of course, Jim. :-)

Lucky Charms by Lisa Shearin- 4 stars

I haven't read anything by this author before, and I was pleasantly surprised by just how much I enjoyed it. The story is a prequel to Ms. Shearin's SPI Files series, and it introduces us to Mac, who's just starting out as a seer in a government agency. I really like Mac, and the story, for all its shortness, was full of humor and action. I will definitely bump up [b:The Grendel Affair|17912981|The Grendel Affair (SPI Files, #1)|Lisa Shearin|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1382941457s/17912981.jpg|25100815], the first book in the series in, up my tbr.

Lucky Charms by Milla Vane - 2 stars

This was my least favorite story in the anthology. I disliked both the hero Kavik and the heroine Mala, and I just couldn't get past that. Not to mention that there were some instances in which I could barely get myself to accept their behavior. While the plot itself is intriguing, there were some things that I couldn't accept.