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The Wanderer

The Wanderer - Robyn Carr 4.5 stars

When I first saw that Robyn Carr has a new book I was thrilled - another Virgin River book - YAY! But then I noticed that it was another series. I have to admit I was disappointed. Although I really like how Ms. Carr writes, I still prefer the VR series. But, I shook of the disappointment, and started this book. And I LOVED it.

Ms. Carr managed to create another town that will burrow its way into readers' hearts. Thunder Point and it's residents are no less enchanting than those of Virgin River.

Our story begins with Hank Cooper. Cooper has come to Thunder Point to find out what happened with an old friend of his, who died a while ago and left him his entire estate. He likes the feeling of the little Oregon coast town, but he has a heart of a wanderer, and he doesn't want to settle down. But slowly, he is caught in a spell that the town weaves.

That's when Sarah Dupre steps on the scene. Sarah is a helicopter pilot who is raising her brother on her own. Her job is the kind that doesn't really allow her to settle down, but she started to hope that Thunder Point could become her home. In any case, the last thing she needs is to become involved with a man. And yet, there is something about Cooper that is proving hard to resist. Maybe there is a chance for them. They just have to fight to find it.

Besides Cooper and Sarah (who are both incredible characters), there are a plethora of other interesting characters - the sheriff and his kids (and his love interest, I do hope they end up together), single mom Gina, most of the other residents of Thunder Point - but my favorite side character is Landon.

Landon is soooo amazing. He is still young, but mature as well, and just so awesome. I adore his and Cooper's relationship. Hope to see more of him. :D

All in all, an astounding start to a promising series. Waiting anxiously for the next book in the series [b:The Newcomer|17133945|The Newcomer (Thunder Point #2)|Robyn Carr|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1356327943s/17133945.jpg|23535729].

[bc:The Wanderer|16000980|The Wanderer (Thunder Point, #1)|Robyn Carr|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1358264162s/16000980.jpg|21762418][bc:The Newcomer|17133945|The Newcomer (Thunder Point #2)|Robyn Carr|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1356327943s/17133945.jpg|23535729][bc:The Hero|17289174|The Hero (Thunder Point, #3)|Robyn Carr|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1359302904s/17289174.jpg|23910557]

ARC received from Harlequin via NetGalley